Allah(azza wajjal) says:
Son of Adam! Slaves of gold and silver coins!
I created both of them for you so you can consume My garments, and by means of them, and so you can dress yourself in my garments, and so you can glorify and venerate Me. Then, you all took My Book and put it behind yourselves, and you took gold and sliver coins and put them above your heads.
You raised your houses and lowered My House.
Therefore, you are not good and you are not free.
You are slaves of the world. A gathering of your like is plastered graves. Its outwards is attractive but its inner is ugly.
Similarly, you ameliorate yourselves for people. You make yourself beloved by them by way of your sweet tongues, your beautiful deeds.
Yet, you became distant in your brutal hearts and in your malicious conditions.
Son of Adam!
Purify your works and ask Me. I give you more than what the petitioners request.
(Imam al ghazali(rahmatullahi) book of counsels)
This counsel of imam al ghazali(rahmatullahi) should be enough to convince one too buy this great Islamic work of imam al ghazali(rahmatullahi) translated into English by those Muslims who put their time and effort into Making this book